Find spirituel støtte og indsigt med Angelic Activations orakelkort
Med Kyle Grays Angelic Activations orakelkort kan du styrke din forbindelse til engleenergier og åbne døren til en dybere spirituel indsigt.
Dette smukke sæt med 44 kort tilbyder kraftfulde budskaber, som hjælper dig med at tiltrække positiv energi og modtage guidende beskeder direkte fra englenes rige. Kortene er designet til at give dig øjeblikkelig visdom uden behov for en guidebog, hvilket gør dem nemme at bruge for både nybegyndere og erfarne spirituelle udøvere.
Uanset om du søger beskyttelse, klarhed eller en dybere forbindelse til din sjæl, vil Angelic Activations bringe dig tættere på englenes kærlige støtte og opmuntre dig til at leve i harmoni med din højere vej.
Forfatter: Kyle Gray
Antal kort: 44
Sprog: Engelsk
Det forventes ikke at dette sæt orakelkort udkommer på dansk.
Use your intuition to connect with the angels, and immediately receive their guidance and positive energies, with this unique and accessible oracle card deck.
Angelic Activations Oracle is a 44-card oracle deck that acts as a bridge between Earth and the Celestial realms so that you can receive direct insight from the angels guiding your way. It differs from other oracle card decks as you will receive instant guidance from the cards themselves, rather than having to turn to the guidebook.
Use your intuition to pick the angel that has a message for you and then turn over the card to receive immediate guidance from the meanings, messages and activations on the back.
Filled with prayers, messages and spiritual wisdom, Angelic Activations Oracle will help you to:
Call on angelic energy for guidance and protection
Activate and experience the best version of yourself
Live in alignment with your higher purpose
Step into the light you were born to be
Call directly on the heavenly assistance of the angels, receive their divine wisdom and immediate support, and awaken your inner spiritual abilities to heal and step into your purpose.
Artwork by Jessica Tuminello